Tea and its formats. Tea bags, loose leaves or bags?

They are not the same
loose leavesand the tea bags;it's easy to seewhen you compare themand more obviouswhy one is betterthan the other.
Loose tea like THAT'S TEA contains rolled dried leaves. The more whole the leaf (larger pieces), the better the quality of the tea.
This tea is generally made up of whole, unbroken leaves. Once they are prepared, the leaves will unfold and you should be able to see their shape.
The tea bags contain a mixture of whole and broken leaves in a pyramid-shaped bag.
Tea in bags are small pieces of what was once a whole tea leaf. When you open it, it is difficult to tell that the bits and dust were once a leaf.
Whole leaf loose tea is the highest quality tea.
The essential oil in the leaf is where the flavor of the tea comes from.
Whole tea leaves have more flavor. Loose tea brewed in water has more room to expand and unfold..
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